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Our Team

Journey to Your Promised Land, Inc knows that strength not only lies in our words, but in our actions as well. Fueled by our volunteers and board members, we have a mission to help heal the world, and will not quit until our job is complete. Founded in 2010, Journey to Your Promised Land, Inc inspires action, serves donors ,and supports communities. We’re driven by a firm belief in the power of humanity, and we will do anything it takes to make an impact.

President & CEO

Kim Webster is a social entrepreneur who uses her business acumen to develop innovative solutions to amass social capital to address social and economic challenges.  She is a dynamic, diverse and results-oriented entrepreneur with a strong track record in developing and implementing various community initiatives using corporate business strategies.

She believes that JTYPL will be a key influencer in the fight to end poverty and the deprivation of resources for women and youth. Partnering with individuals and corporations who have a shared value proposition around education, job training, job creation, and advocacy are needed to develop and implement a social movement to help those who are poor get out of poverty and eliminate the conditions that allow poverty to keep a stranglehold on communities. JTYPL is Ms. Webster's passion project as well as her way to give back to society and the world.


Kim is the Principal for Webster's Wealth Management Solutions and Managing Partner for MIK Media Group.  She is an AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers In Service To America) alumni and has a Masters of Business Administration in Finance, a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Management, and certifications in training, community development, and finance related fields.  She is the DC branch board president of the American Association of University of Women and a board member of the House of Ruth of Maryland.  She also spends her time as a volunteer lobbyist for the American Association of University of Women fighting for issues facing women – such as education, civil rights, reproduction rights, and economic security.

Chairman of the Board

Michelle Boykins

Michelle Boykins is the senior director of communications at the National Crime Prevention Council.  She directs all operational aspects for the public education campaigns symbolized by McGruff the Crime Dog®, his nephew Scruff®, and the “Take A Bite Out Of Crime®” slogan and for communications, including media outreach and online communications and engagement.  The multi-million dollar public education campaigns provide a tremendous return on investment by receiving an average of $60 million in donated media support.  Ms. Boykins provides assistance to state and local law enforcement agencies that want to promote the McGruff public education campaigns locally and works with the media to encourage donated support for the campaign.  


Through communications activities Ms. Boykins serves as a primary spokesperson for NCPC and leads a communications team that coordinates outreach to traditional news and social media outlets to get coverage for NCPC’s important crime prevention messages.  She has secured major news coverage for NCPC from CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post to being interviewed or quoted in numerous television, radio, and print media from MSNBC and FOX networks to CBS radio, Consumer Reports, Woman’s Day, and Popular Mechanics.


Before joining NCPC, Ms. Boykins had extensive experience in media relations at a top ten public relations firm and an association. She has a B.A. in Communications Studies from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.


Kim Barnes


Famin Ahmed

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(202) 930-1372

1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Unit 66282

Washington DC 20036

United States

EIN:  27-2592132

©2023 by MIK Group

JTYPL is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization.  Donations are tax-deductible according to IRS rules.

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